Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. Land Aknowledgement

    3. Program Description

    4. Program Rationale

    5. Learning Outcomes

    1. Grade 4

    2. Grade 5

    3. Grade 6

    1. Storytelling and Miniature Painting in Islamic Art

    1. Introduction

    2. Understanding Museums

    3. The Story of Me

    1. Introduction

    2. Introduction: Visual Storytelling

    3. Object and Stories: Oliphant - A Travelling Story

    4. Folklore and Art: A Story of Mythical Creatures

    5. Shahnameh: A Visual Story

    6. Conclusion to Visual Storytelling

    7. Workshop

    1. Watercolour Painting Instructions

    2. Miniature Painting Visual Element

About this course

  • Free
  • 30 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Navigating Thinkific

Program Description

The Teacher Resource package will provide you with such things as the program at a glance, Ontario Curriculum links, further extension activities and resources for extended learning.